Paygo Sign Up
Terms and Conditions
Please review the following terms and conditions for entry into the Paygo Payment service.
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- Deiter Bros will bill Customer once a month for fuel consumed during the previous billing period, as estimated by Deiter Bros using its degree day system, at the price in effect on the day those gallons were delivered. Customer agrees to pay based on Deiter Bros’s credit terms.
- Once Customer is enrolled, Paygo billing will start after the next tank fill-up. Any fuel already in the Customer’s tank at the time of the first Paygo fill-up will be designated as the “starting fuel amount.” Paygo will bill Customer first for any Paygo gallons delivered. In the event that customer’s usage exceeds Paygo gallons delivered, Customer will not be billed for fuel drawn from the starting fuel amount.
- Customer agrees and understands that he/she is ultimately obligated to pay for all the heating fuel that has been delivered, in accordance with Deiter Bros’s delivery ticket(s).
- Customer may cancel Paygo service at any time. However, in this event, or in the event that Customer discontinues purchasing fuel from Deiter Bros, Customer understands and agrees that he/she will be responsible for paying for the fuel which has been delivered but has not yet been paid for— “the ending fuel balance”—whether or not that fuel has been billed prior to cancellation of service. Such payment is due within 15 days. In no event will the Customer be charged for more gallons than have been delivered by Deiter Bros. Customer may not ask Deiter Bros to pump out fuel from the tank in lieu of payment.
- Your delivery prices and your estimated consumption will be included on your monthly statement for the applicable period and are also available by contacting one of our customer service representatives.
- In order to ensure the accuracy of your bills, Deiter Bros will regularly reconcile the gallons delivered according to Customer’s delivery tickets with the gallons estimated to have been consumed. This is called a usage adjustment, and typically occurs after each fill up. Your account balance will be adjusted accordingly. If there is a discrepancy between the estimate and the delivery ticket, the delivery ticket as calculated by the truck meter shall prevail as it is certified and regulated by the laws of the state where delivery is made and an adjustment will be made to Customer’s invoice.
- In the event of a dispute regarding the estimated consumption and such dispute is not immediately resolved following Customer’s notification of a Deiter Bros customer service representative, Deiter Bros may dispatch a representative to Customer’s residence or building to investigate the tank level and confirm accuracy. If needed Deiter Bros will then adjust the billing amount accordingly. Customer agrees to pay for all previously delivered but unbilled gallons within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a new invoice, in addition to any other outstanding balances.
- Deiter Bros retains the right to discontinue Paygo service to any enrolled Customer due to operational or technical limitations as Deiter Bros may determine in its sole discretion. Customer agrees to pay for all previously delivered but unbilled gallons within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a new invoice, in addition to any other outstanding balances.
- Any late payment(s) are subject to a finance charge of 1½% per month until the account is paid in full. Customer understands that late payment or non-payment may, at Deiter Bros’s sole discretion, result in cancellation of Paygo service and removal of the remote monitoring device if one has been installed.
- Paygo is only available to Customers who get all of their fuel exclusively from Deiter Bros. Customer must be enrolled in automatic delivery with Deiter Bros. The Paygo service will continue until either Deiter Bros or Customer provides notice of cancellation to the other party. Customer agrees to notify Deiter Bros by phoning a customer service representative.
- Paygo is only available to homeowners of the residence receiving the fuel. Renters will not be allowed to enroll in Paygo.
- Customers enrolled in Paygo may participate in one of Deiter Bros’s price protection programs. If such a program is selected by Customer, the price and terms of that program shall be separately agreed to in writing by Customer and Deiter Bros. If Customer is paying under our payment plan, the cost of the fuel delivered, which would be applied against Customer’s monthly payments, would be calculated on the basis above.
- Unless Deiter Bros has established its ownership of Customer’s fuel tank via a separate written agreement, nothing in this agreement shall be to mean that Paygo or Deiter Bros is assuming ownership of Customer’s tank, heating equipment or fuel in the tank. Customer is solely liable for any environmental or related costs or fines resulting from a fuel release in his/her home or building unless such cost or fine is caused by Deiter Bros negligence or reckless conduct.
- I agree to comply with the above terms and want to enroll in Deiter Bros Paygo service:
By confirming agreement, you consent to the following terms of service and mutual promises: